Bed Bugs (Removal & Exermination)
Bed bugs have made a major comeback in the U.S and around the world. The public experienced a reprieve after World War II, due in part to a product called DDT and was very effective in eradicating the tenacious bed bugs, and was used around the globe to eliminate this major problem. However in recent years the rebound is do in part to factors such as DDT was taken off the market, global travel, people are not even aware of what bed bugs are, and lots a people think bed bugs are just a myth by the old saying sleep tight don’t let the bed bugs bite. Bed bugs are small, brownish insects that feed solely on the blood of animals but the common bed bug prefers feeding on people, it will also feed on other warm – blooded animals, including dogs, cats, birds, and rodents. Adult bed bugs are about 3/16-inch long reddish-brown, with oval flattened bodies they are a little larger than a apple seed. Adult females lay there eggs in secluded place’s depositing one, two or more a day and potentially hundreds during there lifetime. The eggs are tiny (about the size of a dust spec), whitish and hard to see without a magnifying glass. The eggs will hatch out to become nymphs in about a week the newly emerged babies are straw-colored and no bigger than a pinhead as they grow they molt, shedding there skin five times before reaching full maturity a blood meal is needed between each successive molt. Adult females must also periodically feed in order to lay eggs, under favorable conditions (70-80F) and a ready supply of blood the bugs can mature in as little as a month and produce multiple generations per year.
Bed bugs are resilient, nymphs and adults can persist for months which is unusual for most insects. The ability to survive without a blood meal is longer at cooler temperatures like a controlled environment in a home or building and they could in some cases survive up to a year but typically it is around 1 to 4 months.Some people think they can vacate there home in hopes of starving the bugs, but it is impractical to leave homes unoccupied to eradicate the problem, they will also move from unit to unit in apartment buildings or adjacent condos or duplexes to find another feeding host. Bed bugs are mainly active a night ,and during the day they tend to hide close to where people sleep because that is where they feed, but will crawl longer distances for a blood meal if necessary. If a bed bug infestation continues to persist it makes elimination very difficult. When DDT was taken off the market there has been people try to do it on there own with over the counter products that promise immediate control but in realization these products are very ineffective and the problem gets bigger and bigger leaving the consumers feeling hopeless and not knowing what to do. The real fact is you need a professional to tackle this very serious problem.
Bed bugs are challenging to eradicate since they can hide in so many places. Inspections need to be thorough and you need to know there biology there habits and how to inspect as to not spread the problem in other places in your home or business. Anderson Termite and Pest Solutions has experienced knowledgeable pest professionals that know where to look for bed bugs, and have a assortment of pest management tools to look and draw up a treatment plan that is the most advanced in the industry and environmentally friendly. We will help you prepare and be with you every step of the way so we can implement a treatment strategy that is proven to work and get you through a very difficult time.